Collection: Floor lamps

Illuminate your living spaces with the sparkling charm of exotic floor lamps. Each piece is like a design choreography inspired by the cultural rhythms of Bali. When you turn on the lamp, you not only illuminate your space, but also participate in the bright history of Balinese artistry.

10 products

Our collection of floor lamps is inspired by the energetic dances of Balinese culture. Feel the rhythmic echoes in the woven patterns reminiscent of traditional dance movements, be embraced by the dynamic energy reflected in the bamboo structures, and immerse yourself in the enchanting hues inspired by the hues of the Balinese sky.

With our collection of lamps, we aim to create a cozy corner or a spacious living area for you, decorated with floor lamps, thus complementing your bohemian aesthetic. Our lamps perfectly adapt to various furnishings, becoming not only a source of light, but also a charming part of your style. Each piece is a fusion of contemporary living and Balinese heritage craftsmanship, where lighting seamlessly blends with innovation.