Collection: Textile and Macrame

Bali is a tropical paradise steeped in vibrant culture and artistic traditions, famous for its exquisite textiles that reflect the island's rich heritage. From intricate batik fabrics to hand-woven textiles, Balinese textiles are a testament to skilled human craftsmanship inspired by nature.

32 products

Batik, a traditional Indonesian art form, is one of Bali's most important textiles. In the process of making batik, wax is applied before the fabric is dyed, resulting in beautiful and intricate patterns. Balinese batik is characterized by a dazzling variety of colors and designs, often inspired by nature, mythology and religious motifs. Skilled artisans use a combination of traditional and modern techniques to produce batik fabrics, from delicate scarves to elaborate ceremonial fabrics.

In addition to batik, Bali is also known for its hand-woven textiles, which are produced using traditional looms. The island is home to various ethnic groups, each with their own weaving traditions that contribute to the diversity of Bali's textile landscape. The double ikat weaving technique, known locally as 'geringsing', is a particularly intricate technique used to create traditional textiles in the village of Tenganan. These textiles feature intricate geometric patterns and are considered highly valuable, often used for ceremonial clothing and rituals.