Collection: Ceiling lampshades

Illuminate your living spaces with the sparkling charm of exotic pendant lights. Each piece is like a design choreography inspired by the cultural rhythms of Bali. When you turn on the lamp, you not only illuminate your space, but also participate in the bright history of Balinese artistry.

33 products

Our collection of pendant lights is inspired by the energetic dances of Balinese culture. Feel the rhythmic echoes in the woven patterns reminiscent of traditional dance movements, be embraced by the dynamic energy reflected in the bamboo structures, and immerse yourself in the enchanting hues inspired by the hues of the Balinese sky.

Sustainability is our way of life. Crafted from locally sourced materials, our fixtures support the use of natural elements while maintaining the island's commitment to the environment. The modern rustic beauty of bamboo, the organic charm of rattan - these are lighting solutions that resonate with the lush landscape of Bali.